AuroraGPT Installation

How To Install AuroraGPT Scripts

First Steps :

Download The AuroraGPT Clone Script Here.

Second Steps :

Upload The AuroraGPT Script Into your WebHost and then create MYSQL Database, Then upload install.sql Into your MYSQL Database.

Third Steps :

Edit, config.php and connect.php following :

$DBHost = "Your MYSQL Hostname";

$DBDatabase = "Your Database Name";

$DBUser = "Your FTP Username";

$DBPassword = "Your MYSQL Password";

define("SITE_KEY",""); ?>

Fourth Steps :

Go to Includes Folder and find mysql.php, and set mysql.php following :

class DB_Sql {

var $Host = "Your MYSQL Hostname"; // Hostname of our MySQL server.

var $Database = "Your Database Name"; // Logical database name on that server.

var $User = "Your FTP Username"; // User und Password for login.

var $Password = "Your MYSQL Password";

Fifth Steps :

Go to Backups Folder and change .htaccess& .htpasswd CHMOD the following to 755.

After That, Go To Includes Folder and change mysql.php CHMOD the following to 755.

Last Steps :

Load Your Website & Login using the following :

Username: admin

Password: admin

And Change Your Template Name, Cron Accsess Password, Site Title, URL, Domain and Admin Email Address.